Homework Favors the Privileged

Photo by Christian Erfurt on Unsplash Nathan was notorious for not completing homework, and when he did, it emerged as a crumpled and stained mess from the depths of his backpack. Was Nathan irresponsible and lazy? Did Nathan lack discipline? Nathan was also known as a fierce competitor on the varsity debate team where he was capturing the attention of the college coaches of an activity that requires responsibility, studiousness, and discipline. What’s more, Nathan was also known for scoring high, really high, on classroom and standardized tests. But, he didn’t do his homework, so despite his academic prowess, Nathan’s grades remained abysmal. What did Nathan’s grades report -- his levels of knowledge and skill? No. His character? No. His work ethic? No. Nathan’s grades reported what his teachers valued and how Nathan fell into their value system for fifty minutes a day. What Nathan rarely told his teachers is that his parents were battling addiction and in and ...